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About Ethos Sustainability Consulting

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Organizations I have done work with include:


Katie Freeman

Master of Public Affairs in Sustainable Development & Nonprofit Management

GSTC Certificate in Sustainable Tourism

When I graduated from college with idealistic plans to change the world, I quickly found how difficult it was to find a job that lived up to my expectations. Instead, I took a position at a travel agency. It was only ever supposed to be an "in between" kind of a job, but as I traveled the world and learned more about tourism, I came to understand that my newfound industry was having a significant impact on communities, economies, and the planet--both positively and negatively. 


Since then I've experienced tourism across the US and in more than 40 countries. It has become my mission to design tourism operations that maximize benefits to communities and their environments. My robust education and experience in policy, environmental best practices, and community organizing make me a good fit for a variety of tourism projects and the broader scope of business and community sustainability.

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